


於華人教會發展和推廣視覺動感敬拜, 藝術和多媒體的事工


Media4Christ Visual Motion Worship Network

We are a Visual worship ministry in Hong Kong called Media4Christ Network since 2009. The team has been involved in over 120 Christian events in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan for the visual worship and lyrics projection service, including the Global Prayer Day, Kingdom Culture Conference, Kingdom Advance Conference, Love is… Concert, Homecoming Gathering, 2009 Nick Jujicic“Be Faith, We soar”, Taiwan GOOD TV“Quiet Time”musicial programme, various musical events by Eternity, Sharehymns, etc. We also held training courses in Hong Kong, Malaysia and Singapore for teaching visual worship and projection techniques.

With the vision of being the pioneer in developing and promoting visual worship and multi-media in churches of China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, etc, we provide training to nurture the visual worshippers in churches. Churches are introduced to use motion background under lyrics in worship events through his promotion and training courses. With the aim to lead people to God and please God, visual worshippers are encouraged to take the role to help the audience to focus their eyes on their relationship with God, and to advance the atmosphere in the worship events and services. Also, platforms and networks of visual worship to share the resources are formed, so that the churches and organizations which like to use the tools for visual worship can be connected together.